"The Classy Pro"
Heart FeltChef Duane KellerGolf, Augusta, HalfWayThere, business, Belle HavenCountry Club, humbled, Confidence, Charity, ChefsLife, ChefDuaneKellerContinues, ChefDuaneKeller, Leadership, excellence, Respect, Preparation, professionals, hospitality, inspirational
"A Solid Brand"
Experiences, Heart FeltChef Duane Kelleranalogy, business, Belle HavenCountry Club, Confidence, ChefsLife, CulinaryArts, ChefDuaneKellerContinues, ChefDuaneKeller, Food, excellence, personal, MEECHef, Fun, givingback, HighProfile, Willing Warriors, Share Our Strength, hospitality, honored, humbled, HalfWayThere, thank you, inspirational, linkedin, Leadership, professionals
"Going Out on Top"
Heart FeltChef Duane KellerMEECHef, ChefsLife, givingback, HighProfile, honored, humbled, HalfWayThere, thank you, hospitality, ChefDuaneKeller, ChefDuaneKellerContinues, inspirational, Pain
"A Rolling Stone"
Heart Felt, ExperiencesChef Duane Kelleranalogy, business, Confidence, CulinaryArts, ChefsLife, Charity, ChefDuaneKellerContinues, ChefDuaneKeller, Leadership, Food, excellence, personal, MEECHef, Respect, Fun, givingback, Willing Warriors, ThomasEnglishMuffins, Share Our Strength, hospitality, humbled, honored, HalfWayThere, wholesome Wave, inspirational, linkedin, thank you
Experiences, Heart Felt, Suicide PreventionChef Duane KellerChefsLife, CulinaryArts, Chef Bourdain, death, Food, givingback, HighProfile, honored, humbled, suicide, ChefDuaneKeller, ChefDuaneKellerContinues, BourdainDay, Sorry, Pain
"Apple doesn't fall too far from the Tree"
Heart FeltChef Duane KellerChefsLife, death, givingback, HighProfile, honored, humbled, HalfWayThere, thank you, inspirational, personal, ChefDuaneKeller, ChefDuaneKellerContinues
"Thanks Mom"
Heart FeltChef Duane Kellergivingback, ChefDuaneKellerContinues, ChefsLife, ChefDuaneKeller, HalfWayThere, humbled, Respect, inspirational, thank you, Mom
"Cook with Your Heart"
Heart FeltChef Duane KellerChefDuaneKellerContinues, ChefDuaneKeller, CulinaryArts, Confidence, ColumbiaRiver, ChefsLife, Vancouver, MEECHef, HalfWayThere, Leadership, Belle HavenCountry Club, business, humbled, excellence, Respect, British Columbia, givingback, Morels, linkedin, WhiteAsparagus, professionals, FoodsinSeason, hospitality, honored, HighProfile, inspirational, thank you
"A Higher Calling"
Heart FeltChef Duane KellerBrunch, WorldPeace, WorldHunger, Charity, HalfWayThere, Leadership, givingback, humbled, ChefsLife, ChefDuaneKellerContinues, ChefDuaneKeller, linkedin, honored, Confidence, professionals, Respect, Fun, hospitality, thank you, ThomasEnglishMuffins
Thank You LinkedIn !!
"The Leader of The Brigade"