"A Solid Brand"
Experiences, Heart FeltChef Duane Kelleranalogy, business, Belle HavenCountry Club, Confidence, ChefsLife, CulinaryArts, ChefDuaneKellerContinues, ChefDuaneKeller, Food, excellence, personal, MEECHef, Fun, givingback, HighProfile, Willing Warriors, Share Our Strength, hospitality, honored, humbled, HalfWayThere, thank you, inspirational, linkedin, Leadership, professionals
"A Rolling Stone"
Heart Felt, ExperiencesChef Duane Kelleranalogy, business, Confidence, CulinaryArts, ChefsLife, Charity, ChefDuaneKellerContinues, ChefDuaneKeller, Leadership, Food, excellence, personal, MEECHef, Respect, Fun, givingback, Willing Warriors, ThomasEnglishMuffins, Share Our Strength, hospitality, humbled, honored, HalfWayThere, wholesome Wave, inspirational, linkedin, thank you
"Mad Max"
RealityChef Duane KellerPreparation, HalfWayThere, business, Belle HavenCountry Club, humbled, givingback, ChefsLife, Confidence, CulinaryArts, ChefDuaneKellerContinues, ChefDuaneKeller, Leadership, Food, MEECHef, professionals, Fun, hospitality, thank you, honored, linkedin, inspirational, Respect, ChefMarcusWareing, ChefMarkMendez
"Our Mission @ BHCC"
ExperiencesChef Duane Kellerexcellence, humbled, ChefsLife, Confidence, CulinaryArts, ChefDuaneKellerContinues, ChefDuaneKeller, Respect, Leadership, linkedin, professionals, business, Fun, HalfWayThere, HighProfile, givingback, hospitality, thank you, honored, inspirational, Belle HavenCountry Club, MEECHef
"A Higher Calling"
Heart FeltChef Duane KellerBrunch, WorldPeace, WorldHunger, Charity, HalfWayThere, Leadership, givingback, humbled, ChefsLife, ChefDuaneKellerContinues, ChefDuaneKeller, linkedin, honored, Confidence, professionals, Respect, Fun, hospitality, thank you, ThomasEnglishMuffins
The Magic Number
Business AnalogyChef Duane KellerHalfWayThere, SafetyFirst, Leadership, CulinaryArts, ChefDuaneKellerContinues, humbled, givingback, Confidence, ChefsLife, ChefDuaneKeller, honored, linkedin, professionals, HighProfile, Fun, hospitality, inspirational, business, analogy
"The Leader of The Brigade"
"Loose - Tight Properties"